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The possession of illegal steroids can lead to a penalty of one year in prison andup to $2 million in fines or up to 100 days in jail. "You know, we're going to make sure that that's not the case," said John Wichmann, superintendent of the state Department of Corrections, steroids online australia reviews. The Department of Public Safety's Special Investigative Unit is not just working with federal investigators, in for steroids penalty possession of australia. "That's our goal right now," said spokesman Steve McCraw. McCraw said the group was not specifically working with the New Jersey State Police, steroids australia review. Investigators do not have probable cause to hold suspects on the federal government's watch list, McCraw said, penalty for possession of steroids in australia. "We are working with them to make sure we are complying with these laws," McCraw said, australian domestic steroid suppliers. He defended the department's decision to help the federal government. "As I said, we have a responsibility to keep the communities safe and the communities safe we do that by going to them and offering them a real opportunity to make a plea bargain," he said. "We're going to give them all the information and tell them they are not going to go to jail for this. They have a way to make it up to their family and they want to do it, penalty for possession of steroids in australia." McCraw said investigators are working directly with the U, legal anabolic steroids australia.S, legal anabolic steroids australia. attorney's office as part of a joint task force with New Jersey State Police, legal anabolic steroids australia. "This is a very big deal ... to our agency because we're going to be the ones who find out about it," said Sgt. Michael Nachminovitch, spokesman for the state police. The federal government has issued several warnings to steroid users in New Jersey, steroids australia domestic shipping. In 2009, Homeland Security sent a similar letter to nearly 2,500 men who were not affiliated with New Jersey authorities or with any gangs or gangs of similar strength, authorities said at the time, steroids australia domestic shipping.
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