Open hospitalization . The minor performs all tasks outside the center, this being his habitual residence. Therapeutic internment . Aimed at minors with some type of psychopathology, addiction or behavior that requires specialized health and social care. Measures provided for in the law on criminal responsibility of minors there are other measures such as outpatient treatment for behavioral problems and addictions, attendance at day centers or weekend stays .
Inesem business school professional master in social intervention. Specialist in intervention with minors more information in addition, communication with the victim by any means may be prohibited. Likewise, coexistence with a family or educational group can be imposed, offering a favorable environment for the development of their social skills; and community convert raster to vector service activities or socio-educational tasks . On the other hand, the lorpm has other more restrictive actions such as a reprimand in which the reasons and consequences of the infraction are explained to the minor and recommendations are made for the future.
The role of psychology in the criminal responsibility law of minors it is important not to treat the juvenile offender population as simple " tyrant children " but rather we must attend to all the psychopathological, social, environmental and economic variables that occur in these circumstances. One of the main tasks of the legal psychology of the minor offender is to study and apply the treatments and intervene in the necessary prevention to reduce juvenile delinquency, especially in foreign