If it makes sense for the sales cycle, and in fact the client’s growth stack contains inbound with marketing automation, driving traffic to the sales funnel will be industry list crucial. In this case, SEO and paid media will be the lead strategies for attracting searchers and funnelling them into a workflow. In order to drive traffic, audience targeting is vital for SEO and paid media. To industry list use social media as a way to hack your competition, you must first identify which platforms their customers engage.
For example, visual lifestyle brands like a surfboard company would be on Instagram and Facebook, while a law firm would typically have engagement on LinkedIn industry list and Facebook. Once you’ve nailed down which platforms your competition is on, you will want to create a checklist of things to look for that will give insight into what kind of content your customers value that can be used to drive traffic from your SEO and paid media strategies. Consider these questions: Which industry list topics get the most likes and shares? Which topics get the most comments? Who are the people engaging the content (buyer personas)? How long are the articles that get the most engagement?
What are the keyword opportunities? What common pain points / joys are being expressed? What product / service features do people love the most? This kind industry list of information can be used to optimize a number of internal strategies within your growth marketing stack. From creating Facebook lookalike audiences in order to target new people likely interested in your products, to creating buyer-focused content that will rank for various stages of the buyer’s journey, social industry list media recon will give up tons of valuable data that can empower your growth marketing strategy.